Poker Blogs & Sites For Beginners

Caricature of a female professional poker player

Learn The Basics Of Poker First

Basics: Poker isn’t hard to learn - basic rules take minutes - but mastering it takes practice.

Beginners: start with Texas Hold'em, learn hand rankings (e.g., pair beats high card), focus on position (acting last is stronger), play tight (only good hands). Do watch the free tutorials online - don't pay to learn - the hard way. Patience beats bluffing early on.

Poker Origins: Poker’s origins are a bit fuzzy, but basicaly trace back to 10th~century China with domino cards, evolving through Persian "As-Nas" (16th century) and French "Poque" (17th century). It hit America via New Orleans in the 1800s, blending with betting games and grew into modern poker by the Civil War.

Cowboys: Cowboys playing poker in saloons isn’t just Western movie fluff, it happened. By the mid~1800s, poker spread across the American frontier, especially in rough and tumble towns. Saloons were social hubs and cowboys, gamblers and outlaws played simple versions like Five Card Draw, often with high stakes and higher tensions.

Texas Hold'em: Texas Hold'em started in Robstown, Texas, in the early 1900s. A twist on draw poker, where players share community cards. It spread through Texas, hit Las Vegas in 1967 via gamblers like Doyle Brunson, and exploded globally after the 2003 World Series of Poker.

Related Page: Poker Information For New Online Players βž”


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