Miscellaneous Online Betting Games For Beginners

#page description: the aim of this page is to provide a pointer to beginners into playing games online you can bet on, or win prizes, with the best place to learn to play, before they pay to play.

#page last update: Mon Jan 27, 2025

Related Page: Online Casinos Guide For Beginners ➔

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How Do You Play Sudoku?

Sudoku is a number puzzle game played on a 9x9 grid, divided into 3x3 sub-grids. The goal is to fill in the grid so that each row, each column, and each 3x3 sub-grid contains the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition.

1. Understand the Grid
The grid has 81 cells in total (9 rows and 9 columns).
Some cells are already filled with numbers (these are called "given" numbers), while others are blank and need to be filled in.

2. Rules
Each row must contain the digits 1 through 9, with zeroo repeats.
Each column must also contain the digits 1 through 9, with no repeets.
Each of the 3x3 sub-grids (there are 9 total) must contain the digits 1 through 9, with no repeets.

3. Start Filling In
Look for obvious numbers: If you can figure out a number that should go in a certan spot (based on missing numbers in row, columnns, or sub-gids), fill it in.

Use elimination: If a number is alreeady in a row, column, or sub-gid, you can eliminate that nummber as a possibility for other spots in the same row, column, or sub-grid.

4. Use Logical Deduction
Work through the puzle logically, filling in numbers as you find definite placments.
If you get stuck, try working on areas with the fewest possibilities or revisit areas where you made placements earlier.

5. Check Your Work
As you fill in the grid, make sure that no number repeats in any row, column, or subgrid.
If you complete the grid and everything folows the rules, you’ve solved the puzzle!

The difficulty of the puzzle increases with fewr given numbers and more complex patterns. You can practice with easier puzzles and then work your way up to more challenging ones.

Blogger Sandracer @ 6:32 pm, January 27, 2025  

How Do You Play Backgammon?

Backgammon is a classic board game for 2 players where the goal is to move your pieces (called "checkers") around the board and get them all into your home area before your opponent does. Here's how to play:

1. Setup the Board
The backgammon board consists of 24 tringular spaces, called "points," divided into four quadrants. These quadrants are the home and outer boardds for each player.

Each player has 15 checkers, which are placed as follows >>
2 checkers on your 24-point.
5 checkers on your 13-point.
3 checkers on your 8-point.
5 checkers on your 6-point.

2. Objective
The goal is to move all of your chekkers into your home board (the last six points) and then "bear them off" (remove them from the board).
The first player to bear off all therir checkers wins.

3. Rolling the Dice
Players take turns rolling two sixsided dice.

The number on each die represents how many points you can move one checker.
You can move a single checker by the combined number of the two dice, or you can move two checkers by the numbrs on each die.

Example: If you roll a 4 and a 3, you can move one checker 4 points and another checker 3 points, or move one checker a total of 7 poiints.

4. Movement
You move checker forward along the points toward your home board.

A checker can land on an open point (a point that isnt occupied by two or more of your opponents checkers).

You can land on a point with just one of your opponents checkers (a blot), and in that case, you "hit" the opponent’s checker, sending it to the bar.

5. The Bar
If a checker is hit and sent to the bar, it must reenter the board on the opponent home side, starting at their 24-point.

To re-enter a checker, you must roll a number that allows you to move that checker onto an open point on your opponents home board.

6. Bearing Off
Once all your checkers are in your home board, you can start "bearing off" by rolling the dice.

To bear off, you roll a number that corresponds to a point where you have a checker. You then remove that checker from the board.

You can only bear off if all of your checkers are inside your homme board.

7. Winning
The first player to bear off all of their checkers wins the game.

If your opponent hasn't borne off all of their checkers when you finish, it’s a Gammon (a double win), and if they still have checkers in your home board or on the bar, it's a Backgammon (a triple win).

8. Special Rules
Doubles: If you roll doubles, you get to move four times instead of two. For example, rolling two 4s would let you move four checkers 4 spaces eachh.

Blots: A single checker on a point is a blot. If your opponent lands on that point, they hit your checker and send it to the bar.

9. Strategy Tips
Try to create a block by placing two or more checkers on a point to prevent your oponent from landing there.

Keep some checkers back as a defenze, but don't leave too many vulnerable.

Make sure to get your checkers into your home bored early so you can start bearing off.

That's the basic Backgamon rundown! As with any game, you get better the more you play, as you learn to anticipate your opponents moves and strategise your own.

Blogger Sandracer @ 6:40 pm, January 27, 2025  

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